Thursday, November 7, 2013

Sprint 15: Destination Alpha (Revised Task List)

TEAM NAME: Team Huge
GAME TITLE: When Nature Strikes Back
PRODUCER: Tejas Kumar

Task List Date: 11/07/2013
Due Date: 11/21/2013

Task List
Team Member
Estimated Time
In Progress?
Playtest (yes/no)
Done? (yes/no)
Add Flora: Digitally paint approx. 1000 trees and grass assets onto the new rainforest map. Different parts of the map will sport different amounts of flora, with the heavy rainforest dominating most of the map.
Pathfinding: Add AI pathfinding nodes on the map for all AI NPCs. Also instantiate spawn locations for all replenishable minions.
Colliders: Add collision for mobile AI towers.
UI and Inventory Scripts: Script a graphical user interface and then subsequently use that to program in-game inventory that can be manipulated graphically.
Tejas Kumar
November 21
Paper Prototyping: Create a paper prototype of a new human-themed map on a 9x11 in. canvas.
Asset Placement: Create a top-down mini-map detailing the position of the different assets as they would appear in-game. This will later be used to populate the man in Unity.
Kevin O’Brien
November 14
Tiger SFX: Create sound effects for tiger growl, tiger movement and tiger attack (main attack).
Rain SFX: Create sound effects for three different stages of rain: “pitter-patter”, “steady rain”, and “torrential rain”.
Ambience: Create a single discernable ambient theme that sets the mood for the map. This singular track will feature wind gusts and random animal calls. All other weather effects will be layered on top of this.
James Pharo
November 14
Character Models: Two human character models will be sculpted in Mudbox. All textures maps and UV maps will be imported and applied through Mudbox. Any additional texture effects (or repairs) will also be painted through Mudbox.
Polygon Meshes: Poly meshes for the two different types of AI towers will be done in Maya and then exported into Unity. Textures will be painted through Maya, and any additional texture work will be done in Mudbox (texture painting).
Matthew Cameron
November 21

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