Thursday, September 26, 2013

Sprint 8: The ePrototype

 Original Task list for the Game Board 
 Producer: Tejas  
Tejas - scan game board, convert to photoshop 
James - Music and sound effects for (dice rolling, player movement, power up pickup, and end game sound) 
Kevin - design the rules 
Matt - Design characters and their minions For Thursday.

This list is for the game board, that will no longer be on our agenda. Instead we will be focusing on more of the 3D unity game, by creating 3d models, music and a well-form set of instructions.

Updated Sprint 8

Tasks                         Completion                         Person Assigned Task

Create Characters for 2D electronic Prototype     Complete           Matt

Scan gameboard, make it into an electronic version - Complete      Tejas
(This later was void, although complete, to work on 3D game)

Create sound effects, and menu version               Complete          James

Make instructions for electronic version               Complete           Kevin

Enemy minions
Walking around the maze.
Collision showcase

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Sprint 7: Paper Prototype

Producer: TejasTejas - scan game board, convert to photoshop

James - Music and sound effects for (dice rolling, player movement, power up pickup, and end game sound)

Kevin - design the rules

Matt - Design characters and their minions

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Sprint 5: The Four Basic Elements

  • Is your team's game design using elements of how four types? Describe in one sentence how.
    • We want to try and strike a balance between these four "archetypes" of design in our game. 
  • Could your team's game design be improved by enhancing elements in one or more of the categories? Describe in one to three sentences how.
    • Our game can benefit immensely from an improved understanding of the technology that we are trying to use to create this game. Although there isn't a set story-line in this RTS game, we would like to flesh out our ideas related to the game's satire and in turn the game's message so more.
  • Are the four elements in harmony, reinforcing each other, and work towards a common theme? Describe in one sentence how.
    • The four elements are definitely not in harmony, we are lacking quite bit in terms of technology and story elements at our current unfinished state.

Basic Game Mechanics:

The game at it's core is a real-time strategy game. It's comparable, in theory, to games such as DOTA, League of Legends, and Heroes of New Earth. The end-game goal of the game is to capture enemy points. The player, whether playing as nature or as humans, will be on either side of the map. They have the choice of attacking enemy players head-on, or choose to work their AI team in taking over enemy land. Depending on our collective technological knowledge, we will try to create AI "minions". Actions will occur regardless of whatever the player chooses to do during game-play.
One of the characters from team "Nature".
A concept representation of one of the characters.
A mock menu screen for the game.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Sprint 4: The Essential Experience

  • What experience do I want the player to have?
    • When playing "When nature Fights Back" we want the players to really get a feel for the forces of nature and the destructive power of man. Not only is this just a game, but a satirical view of how mankind is changing the earth.
  • What needs to be essential?
    • The most important thing about the feel of the game is how exaggerated the world is being "reborn" or destroyed. When the human team wins, the planet is very industrial and has a "grey" feel. When the nature team wins, the planet will be full of life and vibrant with greens and blues.
  • What is the essence of the game?
    • The character design will be stylized to bring out the main "essence" of the type of character. For instance, the Chopper, will be a large, loud and intimidating character. The characters from the nature team will be in prime health and have a "noble" look.
  • Player Choices
    • The players should be thinking about gameplay choices, such as "how can I gain the upper hand" or "how can I lure my enemy into a trap." Also, the players might be thinking of the morality issues at hand. For example, if the human team wins, did they really win if nature is completely gone?
  • How are the players feeling?
    • On its most basic level, we want the players to have fun, it is a game after all. However, the players might get a feel for how their in-game actions are reflecting on real world problems.
  • Choices we've made:
    • We hope the choices we make offer the players multiple unique experiences and joy when playing the game. The most important thing about a game is that it has to be fun. When nature strikes back is satirical, and will have humor. We think that humor is a universal message that everyone can appreciate, without belittling the issues at hand.
  • One of the main characters the player will be controlling is a bear. Here is a menacing rendition of a bear

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Sprint 3: Visual Research

As a player, there is no obligation to play as either side.You will have the choice to play as the personified nature, or as the destructive humans. Here are some of the characters that will be presented in the game:

These games serve as the main inspiration for our game. League of Legends, Dota 2, and Starcraft are some of the greatest RTS games on the market at the moment. They are also just as varying in complexity. But the basic functionality of the games stays the same in all three titles. We want to adapt that basic RTS functionality (the player competition, lane combat, minion AI, and tower defense). In terms of the game's UI, we want to follow Dota and Starcraft. League of Legends pales in comparison when it comes to UI simplicity. 

These are some of the levels we will be creating. The backdrop must be specific, so that we can send our message across to the player. Half of each level will be pristine land, and the other half being destroyed and used human occupations. There is definitely a dark look to the game, as the subject we are exploring is dark. But the art style will help diffuse some of the mood and help instill the satire that we, Team Huge, are going for.